The Equality of Errors with Kai Whiting and Leonidas Konstantakos
In this episode Kai, Leo and Simon discuss the Stoic position that there is an equality of errors, meaning that no error is worse or better than any other, but that all are equally wayward. To hear the entire conversation, including the Q&A with other Patreon members who were also in attendance, go to […]
Sharon Lebell | Rescuing Philosophy from the Philosophers, and Virtue from the Sanctimonious
In this episode, Sharon and I discuss our new Patreon/Podcast collaboration: The Walled Garden. This is an idea that we’ve been mulling over for a few months now, and it’s time to spill the beans! You can follow along with new fortnightly episodes at About Sharon Lebell: For over 25 years Sharon Lebell’s international […]
The Unity of Virtue with Kai Whiting and Leonidas Konstantakos
Kai Whiting, Leonidas Konstantakos, and Simon Drew discuss the dichotomy of control, followed by a conversation/Q&A with members of Simon’s Patreon community. About Kai Whiting: Kai Whiting is a researcher and lecturer in sustainability and Stoicism based at UCLouvain, Belgium. He Tweets @kaiwhiting and blogs over at About Leonidas Konstantakos: Leonidas Konstantakos is a PhD candidate working on Stoicism […]
Caleb Ontiveros | Finding Calm and Resilience Through Stoicism
Caleb Ontiveros is the founder of Stoa. He received his MA in philosophy from the University of Notre Dame and has worked at several startups. Get the Stoa app: Caleb’s Website: Caleb’s Linkedin: Caleb’s Twitter:
The Dichotomy of Control with Kai Whiting & Leonidas Konstantakos
Kai Whiting, Leonidas Konstantakos, and Simon Drew discuss the dichotomy of control, followed by a conversation/Q&A with members of Simon’s Patreon community. About Kai Whiting: Kai Whiting is a researcher and lecturer in sustainability and Stoicism based at UCLouvain, Belgium. He Tweets @kaiwhiting and blogs over at About Leonidas Konstantakos: Leonidas Konstantakos is a PhD candidate working on […]
Irene Regini from Satura Lanx | Seneca’s Latin Style
Irene Regini teaches Greek and Latin, and she’s constantly trying to get better at both. That’s why she’s founded Satura Lanx, where she shares short Latin lessons and courses. She also has a podcast on easy Latin, hoping that they are useful to those who are just beginning learning Latin, or who already know the […]
Kai Whiting & Leonidas Konstantakos | Teaching the Foundations of Stoicism
Kai Whiting, Leonidas Konstantakos and Simon Drew discuss their upcoming 8-part conversation on the fundamentals of Stoicism. Patrons can attend these conversations and engage in philosophical dialogue and problem-solving. About Kai Whiting: Kai Whiting is a researcher and lecturer in sustainability and Stoicism based at UCLouvain, Belgium. He Tweets @kaiwhiting and blogs over at About Leonidas Konstantakos: […]
Seneca on Learning How to Die (Part III)
“Memento Mori” is the phrase commonly used in Stoicism to encourage remembrance of death and of what death means in relation to our lives, and in this episode, Simon continues the discussion on Seneca’s thoughts about death and learning how to die.
Seneca on Learning How to Die (Part II)
“Memento Mori” is the phrase commonly used in Stoicism to encourage a remembrance of death and of what death means in relation to our lives, and in this episode Simon continues the discussion on Seneca’s thoughts about death and learning how to die.
Robin Waterfield | The Life, Philosophy and Influences of Marcus Aurelius
Robin Waterfield is a British classical scholar, translator, and editor, specializing in Ancient Greek philosophy. His books include, among many others, Why Socrates Died – Dispelling the Myths, Creators, Conquerers and Citizens – A History of Ancient Greece, The Greek Myths – Stories of the Greek Gods and Heroes Vividly Retold, and now by far the […]