Hansa Bergwall | Meditating on Death for a Meaningful Life

Hansa Bergwall is a co-founder of the WeCroak App and host of the WeCroak Podcast. His mission is to use death salience mindfulness to remind people that life is short and precious. Website: www.wecroak.com Twitter: @buzznature, @wecroakapp

Seneca on Learning How to Die (Part III)

“Memento Mori” is the phrase commonly used in Stoicism to encourage remembrance of death and of what death means in relation to our lives, and in this episode, Simon continues the discussion on Seneca’s thoughts about death and learning how to die.

Seneca on Learning How to Die (PI)

“Memento Mori” is the phrase commonly used in Stoicism to encourage a remembrance of death and of what death means in relation to our lives, and in this episode Simon discusses Seneca’s thoughts on death and learning how to die.