Prof. Joseph Siracusa | The Coming War with China?
In this episode, Simon speaks with Prof. Joseph Siracusa about the potential threat of a war with China. Prof. Joseph Siracusa is the professor of Political History and International Diplomacy at Curtin University. Born and raised in Chicago and a long time resident of Australia, Joseph studied at the University of Denver and the University of Vienna […]
Prof. Joseph Siracusa | 9/11 and American Diplomacy
In this episode, Simon speaks with Prof. Joseph Siracusa about the history and event of 911. Prof. Joseph Siracusa is the professor of Political History and International Diplomacy at Curtin University. Born and raised in Chicago and a long time resident of Australia, Joseph studied at the University of Denver and the University of Vienna and received […]
Joseph Siracusa | Commentary on the Afghanistan Crisis and the Future of America
In this episode, Simon speaks with Prof. Joseph Siracusa on the current crisis in Afghanistan, the potential threat of a China war, and Australian universities in Prof. Joseph Siracusa is the professor of Political History and International Diplomacy at Curtin University. Born and raised in Chicago and a long time resident of Australia, Joseph studied at the […]