Kathryn Koromilas is a writer, educator and co-organiser and host of Stoicon-x Women 2021. She presented at Stoicon-x Athens, 2019 on journaling practices and hosted a 4-hour “Journaling with the Stoics” discussion/workshop as a Stoicon-x 2020.
She’s the host of the Stoic Salon, a Facebook group dedicated to reading and writing with the Stoics, and is launching a new podcast called The Stoic Salon where she will be talking about life, love, work, play, the universe, and Stoicism with leading women Stoics and Stoic-curious.
She’s collaborating with Dr Ranjini George on a book called “Journaling with the Stoics.”
She creates bespoke creative-play experiences where she helps anyone to reignite their creativity, reimagine their purpose, and use ancient wisdom to thrive.
Stoicon-x Women will be happening on Saturday June 5th, UK time. The theme is “Practical Paths to Flourishing.” Find out more and buy tickets here: https://pathstoflourishing.org/
Find out more about Kathryn Koromilas here: https://kathrynkoromilas.com/
More links from Kathryn:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathrynkoromilas/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WriterStoic
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathrynkoromilas/
Stoic Salon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thestoicsalon/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StoicSalon