Piotr Stankiewicz | Correcting Perceptions & Reforming Stoicism
Piotr Stankiewicz is a philosopher, author, and promoter of reformed Stoicism. He’s the author of Does Happiness Write Blank Pages?, On Happiness and Artistic Creativity, Manual of Reformed Stoicism and other books. He writes in English and Polish, he is a member of the Modern Stoicism team. He is based in Warsaw, Poland.
REFORMED STOICISM: http://myslnikstankiewicza.pl/reformed-stoicism/
DOES HAPPINESS WRITE BLANK PAGES? https://vernonpress.com/book/501
MANUAL OF REFORMED STOICISM: https://vernonpress.com/book/709
WEBSITE: http://myslnikstankiewicza.pl/does-happiness-write-blank-pages/
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– We need to bring Stoicism into a modern context and understand that the Stoics could only see the world from their point of view and point in history. We should take what we’ve learned in the past 2,000 years since Stoicism began and allow our modern understanding to interact with the Stoic theories so that we can advance the philosophy.
– The dichotomy of control is an ancient idea that has without a doubt stood the test of time.